Application Process

Please see the steps below before applying to Learn and Play Junior Academy.

Once you have all the documentation in place, then please proceed to the online form and fill in the information, and upload the completed documents.

Step 1

School Fees

Please take a look at our School fees and other charges.

View Info

Step 2

Info & Requirements

Please read our Information & Requirements PDF.

View Info

Step 3

Code of Conduct

Please read our Code of Conduct document for our school.

View CoC

Step 4

Get Your Docs

In addition to the 4 documents from us, please get the following list of documents ready, before you apply.

  1. Child’s Birth Certificate
  2. Both Parents’ ID Documents
  3. Proof of Residence
  4. 2x Credit References
  5. Child’s Medical Clinic Card
  6. Parents / Guardians Payslips
  7. Child’s Headshot

Step 5

Know Your Child

Please download the “Getting to Know Your Child” form, fill it in and return it with your application.


Step 6

Fill in Form & Send

Please fill out the application below and submit the documents to

Apply & Submit

Have Your Docs In a Row?

  1. Look at steps above to see process
  2. Download the four docs, and fill them out
  3. Get your other docs together (Birth Certificate etc.)
  4. Fill in our Application Form and email it to